Vacation Rentals: Vacation RentalsBook your vacation rentals here and save 8% with a coupon: PROMO! These luxurious rentals, nestled in the finest resort areas, offer complete furnishing and essential amenities to enhance your stay. Bid farewell to endless emails and phone calls - secure your dream vacation rental now using the convenient search box above.
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30.93 USD
Adnan Hamzic
Juristische Aspekte des Werbens in Internet-Suchalgorithmen und sozialen Netzwerken durch das Prisma des Daten-für-Software-Handels
Magisterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2019 im Fachbereich Jura – IT-Recht, Note: 1.0, Universität Augsburg (Juristische Fakultät), Veranstaltung: Magisterstudiengang für im Ausland graduierte Juristen, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Wollten sie immer schon wissen, ob bei dem Erstellen eines Social-Media-Profils ein rechtsgültiger Vertrag zwischen Ihnen und dem Anbieter für die Softwarenutzung zustande kommt? Interessiert Sie, welche Rechte und Pflichten mit so einem Vertrag eingeräumt werden? Was sind
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121.36 USD
Ana Cavalcanti & Brijesh Dongol
Software Engineering for Robotics
The topics covered in this book range from modeling and programming languages and environments, via approaches for design and verification, to issues of ethics and regulation. In terms of techniques, there are results on model-based engineering, product lines, mission specification, component-based development, simulation, testing, and proof. Applications range from manufacturing to service robots, to autonomous vehicles, and even robots than evolve in the real world. A final …
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52.80 USD
Anshu Srivastava
Liberalised India, Politicised Middle Class and Software Professionals
This volume explores the emergence, evolution and definition of the middle class in India. As a class created as the interpreters between the colonial rulers and the millions whom they governed in the pre-Independence era, the Indian middle class has existed in congruence with the state, occupying vital positions in state administration. Since Independence, this middle class underwent major sociological change as they live independent of the state, which affected their social, economic and …
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41.14 USD
Andreas Spillner & Tilo Linz
Software Testing Foundations
Fundamental knowledge and basic experience – brought through practical examples
Thoroughly revised and updated 5th edition, following upon the success of four previous editions
Updated according to the most recent ISTQB® Syllabus for the Certified Tester Foundations Level (2018)
Authors are among the founders of the Certified Tester Syllabus
Professional testing of software is an essential task that requires a profound knowledge of testing techniques. The International Software …
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165.50 USD
Anu G. Aggarwal & Abhishek Tandon
Optimization Models in Software Reliability
The book begins with an introduction to software reliability, models and techniques. The book is an informative book covering the strategies needed to assess software failure behaviour and its quality, as well as the application of optimization tools for major managerial decisions related to the software development process. It features a broad range of topics including software reliability assessment and apportionment, optimal allocation and selection decisions and upgradations problems.
It …
PDF Ebook (eng)
79.71 USD
Adam Barr
Problem With Software
An industry insider explains why there is so much bad software-and why academia doesn't teach programmers what industry wants them to know.Why is software so prone to bugs? So vulnerable to viruses? Why are software products so often delayed, or even canceled? Is software development really hard, or are software developers just not that good at it? In The Problem with Software, Adam Barr examines the proliferation of bad software, explains what causes it, and offers some suggestions on how to …
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305.17 USD
Alireza Alinezhad
Introduction and Comparison of Data Envelopment Analysis Software Packages
This book presents and compares 11 software packages of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Performance measurement is done by various methods, one of which is DEA. Because DEA models are able to meet practical requirements, they can be used to conduct extensive research in the fields of mathematics, management, economics, and engineering. Therefore, during recent decades, researchers have increasingly relied on this method. DEA evaluates the performance of Decision Making Units (DMUs) by using …
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245.90 USD
Ashwin van Rooijen
Software Interface between Copyright and Competition Law
The success of computer programs often depends on their ability to interoperate ' or communicate ' with other systems. In proprietary software development, however, the need to protect access to source code, including the interface information
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78.43 USD
Alexandru Cristian Strenc
European Software Directives and European Software Patents
Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this monograph provides a survey and analysis of the rules concerning intellectual property rights in European Software Directives and European Software Patents. It covers every type of intellectual property right in depth – copyright and neighbouring rights, patents, utility models, trademarks, trade names, industrial designs, plant variety protection, chip protection, trade secrets, and confidential information. …
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16.49 USD
André Saile
IKT-Dienstleister und Kunde im Verkauf von Software-Funktionen
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2021 im Fachbereich BWL – Unternehmensführung, Management, Organisation, Note: 5.5, Fernfachhochschule Schweiz (FFHS), Veranstaltung: Negotiation, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In dieser Arbeit wird eine Verkaufssituation zwischen einem Dienstleister von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) und einem Kunden aus der Versicherungsbranche untersucht. Das Ziel dabei ist, zu verstehen, weshalb es immer wieder zu Verhandlungsabbrüchen beziehungsweise zu …
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170.14 USD
Arif Ali Khan & Dac-Nhuong Le
Evolving Software Processes
The book provides basic building blocks of evolution in software processes, such as Dev Ops, scaling agile process in GSD, in order to lay a solid foundation for successful and sustainable future processes.
One might argue that there are already many books that include descriptions of software processes. The answer is 'yes, but.' Becoming acquainted with existing software processes is not enough. It is tremendously important to understand the evolution and …
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64.96 USD
Adam Gladstone
C++ Software Interoperability for Windows Programmers
Get up-to-speed quickly and connect modern code written in C#, R, and Python to an existing codebase written in C++. This book for practitioners is about software interoperability in a Windows environment from C++ to languages such as C#, R, and Python. Using a series of example projects, the book demonstrates how to connect a simple C++ codebase packaged as a static or dynamic library to modern clients written in C#, R, and Python. The book shows you how to develop the in-between components …
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38.14 USD
Askin Metai
Analyse und Evaluation einer CRM-Software im Personalverleih
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2021 im Fachbereich BWL – Organisation, Note: 5, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Im Rahmen dieser Diplomarbeit werden Funktionen, Benutzerfreundlichkeit und die technischen Eigenschaften von CRM-Software für den Personalverleih untersucht und evaluiert. Das Ziel ist es herauszufinden, welche Software am geeignetsten für das Un-ternehmen Aris Personalberatung Gmb H in Basel ist. Dazu wird der Markt untersucht und Analysen zu den wichtigsten Funktionen und Anforderungen …
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179.42 USD
Anand Nayyar & Preeti Nagrath
Software Defined Networks
Software defined networking suggests an alternative worldview, one that comes with a new software stack to which this book is organized, with the goal of presenting a top-to-bottom tour of SDN without leaving any significant gaps that the reader might suspect can only be filled with magic or proprietary code.
Software defined networking (SDN) is an architecture designed to make a network more flexible and easier to manage. SDN has been widely adopted across data …
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77.09 USD
Alexandru Cristian Strenc
European Software Directives and European Software Patents
Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this monograph provides a survey and analysis of the rules concerning intellectual property rights in European Software Directives and European Software Patents. It covers every type of intellectual property right in depth – copyright and neighbouring rights, patents, utility models, trademarks, trade names, industrial designs, plant variety protection, chip protection, trade secrets, and confidential information. …
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113.35 USD
Anand Handa & Rohit Negi
Implementing Enterprise Cybersecurity with Opensource Software and Standard Architecture
Many small and medium scale businesses cannot afford to procure expensive cybersecurity tools. In many cases, even after procurement, lack of a workforce with knowledge of the standard architecture of enterprise security, tools are often used ineffectively. The Editors have developed multiple projects which can help in developing cybersecurity solution architectures and the use of the right tools from the opensource software domain. This book has 8 chapters describing these projects in detail …
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233.40 USD
Annette L. & Mahesh
Research Methodologies, Innovations and Philosophies in Software Systems Engineering and Information Systems
Philosophical paradigms, theoretical frameworks, and methodologies make up the answering and problem solving systems that define current research approaches. While there are multiple research method books, the subject lacks an update and integrated source of reference for graduate courses. Research Methodologies, Innovations and Philosophies in Software Systems Engineering and Information Systems aims to advance scientific knowledge on research approaches used in systems engineering, software …
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285.98 USD
Antonio & Jose Antonio
Agile Estimation Techniques and Innovative Approaches to Software Process Improvement
Applying methodologies of Software Process Improvement (SPI) is an effective way for businesses to remain competitive in the software industry. However, many organizations find implementing software process initiatives challenging. Agile Estimation Techniques and Innovative Approaches to Software Process Improvement reviews current SPI techniques and applications through discussions on current and future trends as well as the presentation of case studies on SPI implementation. Ideal for use by …
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238.29 USD
Anthony T. S. & Chang-Tsun
New Technologies for Digital Crime and Forensics: Devices, Applications, and Software
Central to understanding and combating digital crime is the ability to develop new methods for the collection and analysis of electronic evidence. New Technologies for Digital Crime and Forensics: Devices, Applications, and Software provides theories, methods, and studies on digital crime prevention and investigation, which are useful to a broad range of researchers and communities. This field is under constant evolution as the nature of digital crime continues to change and new methods for …
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55.78 USD
Anita D. Carleton & William A. Florac
Measuring the Software Process
"While it is usually helpful to launch improvement programs, many such programs soon get bogged down in detail. They either address the wrong problems, or they keep beating on the same solutions, wondering why things don't improve. This is when you need an objective way to look at the problems. This is the time to get some data."Watts S. Humphrey, from the Foreword This book, drawing on work done at the Software Engineering Institute and other organizations, shows how to use …
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22.06 USD
Anneke Kleppe
Software Language Engineering
This is the e Book version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the e Book version. Software practitioners are rapidly discovering the immense value of Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) in solving problems within clearly definable problem domains. Developers are applying DSLs to improve productivity and quality in a wide range of areas, such as finance, combat simulation, macro scripting, image generation, and more. But until now, there …
PDF Ebook (eng)
39.41 USD
Alistair Cockburn
Agile Software Development
This is the e Book version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the e Book version. "Agile Software Development is a highly stimulating and rich book. The author has a deep background and gives us a tour de force of the emerging agile methods." -Tom Gilb The agile model of software development has taken the world by storm. Now, in Agile Software Development, Second Edition, one of agile's leading pioneers updates his Jolt …
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69.08 USD
Alan S. Bluck
IBM Software Systems Integration
Examine the working details for real-world Java programs used for system integration with IBM Software, applying various API libraries (as used by Banking and Insurance companies). This book includes the step-by-step procedure to use the IBM File Net Case Manager 5.3.3 Case Builder solution and the similar IBM System, IBM Business Automation Workflow to create an Audit System.
You'll learn how to implement the workflow with a client Java Message Service (JMS) java method developed with …
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16.49 USD
Alexander Khorenko
Open Source Software, der Copyleft-Effekt und dessen Grenzen bei Bearbeitungen
Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2022 im Fachbereich Jura – Medienrecht, Multimediarecht, Urheberrecht, Note: 11, Universität Mannheim, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Arbeit beleuchtet die vertragsrechtlichen und urheberrechtlichen Kernfragen, die sich bei der Benutzung von Copyleft-basierten Lizenzen stellen. Ein besonderer Stellenwert kommt dabei aufgrund seiner Praxisrelevanz dem Copyleft-Effekt und dessen Reichweite bei Weiterentwicklungen der ursprünglichen Software zu.
Die Betrachtung …